Author Guidelines

Submission of Manuscripts:
All manuscripts must be submitted online through the website Or send the manuscript on email First-time users will have to register at this site. Registration is free but mandatory. If you experience any problems, please contact the editorial office by e-mail at

Manuscript Preparation and Format
Manuscripts must be submitted as a single WORD FILE containing all relevant information, including the whole manuscript text, all figures, all tables, and reviewer information. Each figure must be given on its own page inside the document, including all of the panels and their related legends. Each table in the document must be provided on its own page.
All papers should be double-spaced and include the parts listed below in the order listed.

Cover Letter
IJPPR highly encourages authors to nominate two to five referees (with email addresses, phone numbers, and fax numbers) and an associate editor who they feel is most equipped to assess their article. Authors may also add a list of non-preferred associate editors and referees, although the Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editor have exclusive discretion in selecting th associate editor and referees, respectively.

Title Page
Title- There should be no abbreviations used. Maximum length: 150 characters, including spaces. Limit of 50 characters without spaces for a short title. Authors- Include the authors' complete names, as well as the name and location of the department and institution where the work was done. Correspondence—Include the corresponding author's entire name, complete address, e-mail address, phone number, and fax number.
Disclosures-Any possible conflicts of interest (financial, professional, or personal) involving the work must be disclosed by all authors. It is necessary to clarify if the author(s) have nothing to hide. Grant Support - Provides a list of available grants and other forms of help. List abbreviations used in the document in alphabetical order.


The abstract should be no more than 250 words long and should include the manuscript's reasoning, aims, findings, and conclusions. The abstract, like the title, should be prepared for a broader audience of the publication. Abstracts should not include nonstandard abbreviations, references, or main data. IJPPR maintains the right to reword the abstract for publication, with the authors' ultimate agreement.

  • Body of Paper
  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results
  • Copies of any permission(s)
  • Types of Manuscripts
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Review Articles
  • Case reports
  • References

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